Proven client success

Our clients’ success stories speak volumes about the impact of our work. 

Yam Regev Headshot
“Innovative and Forward-Thinking”

Content and growth strategies require a marketing team with deep knowledge and experience. I’ve partnered with Bigintro on multiple large-scale B2B SaaS projects, and their forward-thinking approach has been a game-changer each time.

Yam Regev

Global Marketing Advisor

Karin Tamir Glare Marketing Circle
"Transformative Marketing Expertise"

Collaborating with Bigintro has transformed our marketing approach. Their strategic content marketing and brand strategy have elevated our reach to new heights.

Karin Tamir

CEO & Co-founder, Glare Marketing

Haywood_Shum circle
“Partners for Long-Term Success”

Bigintro is exactly the type of partner we were looking for in content marketing and brand strategy. Professional, efficient, and demonstrating their expertise through actions that deliver measurable results.

Haywood Shum

CEO & Co-founder, Binery

SiteAware Digital Construction Verification Platform

We were commissioned to craft content for SiteAware’s Digital Construction Verification Platform by first understanding their unique value. We delivered copy that aligns with their Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs), effectively showcasing their innovative solutions and driving engagement.

SiteAware Digital Construction Verification Platform

Isotopia Radiotherapy ​

For Isotopia, we enhanced their outbound email campaigns by emphasizing their innovative diagnostic and therapeutic radioactive isotopes, including cold kits. We spotlighted their game-changing theranostic agents, advanced PET and SPECT radiolabelled tracers, and their reliable supply of cGMP-compliant radiopharmaceuticals, crafting compelling email content that effectively communicates their cutting-edge offerings.

Isotopia radiopharmacy

Imagen - Personalized AI Photo Editing Assistant

Bigintro was commissioned by Open, a leading branding agency, to provide website copy for the redesign of Imagen’s website. Imagen simplifies photographers’ lives with its innovative AI Photo Editing solutions. The goal of this collaboration was to convey Imagen’s transformative impact on photography through clear, engaging website copy that resonates with professional and amateur photographers.

Imagen AI

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